well dad organised a family gathering thing to celebrate it last night,
i got to see cousins that i havent seen in years and also aunties and uncles..
i appreciate all dad's efforts but it would have been a much better 18th if i was back in Adelaide *sigh i do miss Adelaide wayy too much.. later today i'm just gonna go to church, see if the priest's preaching would be any good..
this morning, i woke up and had a very fuzzy feeling.. one of those warm but good feelings.. dad forgot to greet me happy birthday but i completely disregard of that.. and on the way here (internet cafe) it started raining so here i am completely soaked and drenched in water.. great birthday don't you think? well i took it as God showered me more blessings for this year <3
at the end of the day i think birthdays are just one of those days that add another year into ones life, it's great because you get a lot of attention and everything else from everyone but the question is, why can't birthdays be everyday? where people would be nice to you despite the fact that it's your birthday or not..
well yeah i'm not really complaining, i did not get any presents this year (shows how pov and stingey filos are LOL) but yeah the facebook comments and cellphone messages were more than enough, it did make this day a special one..
and plus i found this..

"isn't she lovely? isn't she wonderful?"
first words that went pass my mind when i found it..
i think it's her birthday present for me
which made my day a special one..
i'd treat it as the best birthday present <3
Happy belated birthday to you Vincent :) I hope you had an awesome 18th! If you come back to Adelaide sometime next year, you should celebrate an extremelyyyy late one with yout friends. Haha Ohh and I loooooove that song! xD We sung that at karaoke on Saturday night. hahaha.